Monday, 23 March 2015

My weeks round up

Another week gone already, they seem to just flyby. When I was younger the days seemed so long and the weekends always were so far away. 
I managed to pack a bit into my weekend, I popped to the next sale on Saturday to pick up some new work bits with my friend. I managed to get a few bits but I resisted the new season range... For now :p
Then I popped into town after lunch for a few bits before a house party in the evening. 
Today my sister came over and we went to a wedding event to get some ideas for hers in September. I forgot that these events people LOVE to talk! 
I hope next weekends going to be just as fun, best start making plans!
I'm now cuddled up on the sofa feeling sorry for myself with yet another cold ergh. I need to start taking vitamins! Xoxo

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