I recently stumbled across a idea that's been around while but hardly gets any mentions. I heard about it a long time ago then stumbled across it again.
This is the art of derma rolling/ stamping/ needling; there are a few ways to describe the technique.
Now I was very sceptical and read several different articles about this and then decided hey, why not give it a try? I have an annoying line between my eyebrows and at 24 I didn't want to start Botox!
So the idea is (a quick guide) you disinfect the area you wish to treat and the tool you are going to use. I chose just a very fine needle as I didn't want to spend great amounts on a tool I wasn't sure on.
Then you carefully follow the line of your wrinkle with the needle pressing into the skin, pricking it. I can't say it's painless but you have the option to go lightly or not. I found making my skin taught made it easier. Thankfully I chose to do this before bed as it does make the area red!
Waking up the next day to my surprise, yes I could see a tiny difference! I done this for a few times in a week and I can say now my makeup doesn't sit in my wrinkle.
So apparently the science behind it is by pricking the skin it produces collogeon.
Sceptical? Seriously what have you got to loose?
There are many different tools to use so get researching and find yourself pleasently surprised like me!
(My wrinkles haven't been around for years so this could be the reason for it working so well!)
This can also improve other marks and imperfections......
Please do your research, they even do this in clinics so ask around if you are unsure.
Why not check out an article on derma needling, it explains it in more detail here.
Since writing this draft blog post I recently brought a derma roller. It's a lot easier to use than a single needle and much quicker.
I decided to go with a 1mm needles as after reading comments, blogs, articles this to me seemed it would be right for my skin. What I considered is; where I am using the tool, how deep my wrinkles are, using at home so I don't have the option of numbing cream.
This is mine...
Check out this website where people post before and after photos and share their owns experiences,
I'll update you once I've trialled it for a while so check back, but don't leave it too long ;) xoxo